

Thursday, July 26, 2012


3000 - 1500 BC
     Indus Civilization.
1700 BC
    Aryans invade from Central Asia.
516 BC
    Northern Pakistan becomes the easternmost province of the Achaemenid Empire of Persia.
327 - 325 BC
    Alexander the Great invades Pakistan.
272 - 236 BC
    Mauryan Emperor Ashoka promotes Buddhism.
185 BC
    Bactrian Greeks conquer northwest Pakistan.
75 BC
    Arrival of Scythians (Sakas) from Central Asia.
20 AD
    Parthians conquer northern Pakistan.
60 AD
    Kushans from Central Asia overthrow the Parthians.
3rd Century
    Kushans decline and are dominated by the Sassanian Empire of Persia
4th Century
    Kidar (Little) Kushans come to power.
    White Huns invade Gandhara and are converted to Hinduism, possibly as the Rajput warrior caste.
    Sassanians and Turks overthrow Huns.
Late 6th - 7th Century
    Turki Shahis control area west of Indus, including Gandhara.
    Mohammad Bin Qasim conquers Sindh and southern Punjab
    Hindu Shahis arrive from Central Asia
1001 - 26
    Mahmud of Ghaznavi invades. Mass conversions to Islam.
1034 -1337
    Sindh ruled by Sumrahs, a Sindhi tribe
    Mohammad Ghuri destroys the Kingdome of Mahmud Ghaznavi.
    Mohammad Ghuri makes Delhi the capital of the empire
1206 - 1526 Delhi Sultanate
    Delhi Sultanate established by Ilbari Dynasty
    At the time of Muhammd Ghuri's death in 1206 (had no sons), Qutbuddin Aibak was in Lahore, where he assumed the sovereign powers as he was elected Sultan by the Amirs. The assumption of sovereign powers by Qutbuddin Aibak in 1206 is regarded as the foundation of the Sultanate Delhi.
    The Mongol, Genghiz Khan invades Punjab
1290-1320 Khalji Dynasty
    Marks the end of the Turks rule.
    Among the Khaljis, Alauddin Khalji (1296-1316) reign is known for revenue reforms, market regulations and conquests.
1320-1412 Tuqhluq Dynasty
    Tuqhluq were from 'Qarauna Turk' tribe.
    Sultan Ghiyasuddin Tughluq Shah (Ghazi Malik) founder of third dynasty of the Sultanate.
    Among the Tughluq dynastry, Mohammad Tughluq and Firuz Tughluq are most popular.
    Sammah Rajputs overthrow the Sumrahs in Sindh
    Tamerlane invades from Central Asia
1414-51 The Saiyids
    Khizr Khan was the founder of the Saiyid dynasty.
    Alauddin Alam Shah was the last ruler.
1451-1526 The Lodhis
    Lodhis were Afghans
    Bahlol Lodhi was the founder of this dynasty.
    The last Lodhi Sultan, Ibrahim Ladhi (1517-26) was killed by Babur in the first battle of Panipat.
    The Sultanate of Delhi ended
    Babur defeats the Lodis, the last of the Delhi sultans, and establishes the Mughal Empire
    Tarkhans capture power in Sindh.
    Babur, first Mughal emperor, rais Punjab
    Sindh conquered by Shah Beg Arghun from Kandahar.
    Amir Chakar Rind unites Balochi tribes and defeats Sammahs.
1527 - 1857 The Mughal Empire
    Zahiruddin Mohammad Babur son of Umar Shaikh Mirza -- The first Mughal Emeror (1526-30) and founder of  the Mughal empire in India.
    March 16 -- A decisive battle took place with Rana Songa of Mewar, a powerful Rajput prince.
    Babur's autobiography Tuzuk-i-Bauri (Babur Namah) written in Turki.
    December 26 -- Babur died in Agra.
    Humyun become the Mughal emperor.
    Humayun reign 1530, 40, 1555-6.
    Suri Dynasty (1540-55)
    Sher Shah Suri defeated Humayun in the battles of Chausa and Kanauj and became the emperor.
    Humayun is forced into exile in Persia by Sher Shah Suri.
    Death of Sher Shah Suri.
    Humayun regains empire.
    Akbar, son of Humayun, is emperor (1556-1605)
    Humayun died after falling from his library (Sher Mandil) stairs.
    Thirteen years old Humayun's son Akbar becomes the emperor.
    Akbar is famous for his liberal policies especially towards non-Muslims.
    Akbar contributed greatly in Indian music. Tansen was the most accomplished musician of that days.
    Jahangir is emperor (1605-27)
    After Akbar, his son Salim becomes emperor. Salim took the title of Jehagir (Conqueror of the world).
    Jehangir's reign consider be the peak of Mughal rule (and his son's reign).
    Sha Jahan is emperor (1627-59)
    After Jehangir, his son Khurram becomes the empror of Mughal emperor. Khurram took the title of Shah Jehan (Emperor of the World)
    The Mughal Empire was at its zenith during Shah Jehan's rule.
    Queen Elizabeth I dispatched the ship Tyger to the sub-continent to exploit opportunities for trade.
    The British East India Company opens its first office in Bombay.
    Aurangzeb Alamgir is emperor (1658-1707).
    Sikhs organize as a warrior sect.
    Aurangzeb Alamgir died
    His death regards as the beginning of the end of Mughal empires.
    Aurangzeb Alamgir's son bahadur Shah Zafar becomes the last emperor of Mughal dynastry.
    Founding of Kalhora Dynasty in Sindh
    Nadir Shah of Persia invades the subcontinent.
    Ahmad Shah Durrani founds the Kingdom of Afghanistan and acquires Indus territories, Punjab and Kashmir.
    The battle of Plassey is considered a major breakthrough for the Britishers in the Subcontinent.
1707 - 1762
    Shah wali Ullah's Reform Movement.
    Sikhs become dominate force in Pubjab.
    Talpur Balochis overthrow Kalhora Dynazty in Sindh
    Ranjit Singh rules Punjab from Lahore.
    Faraizi Movement (1830-57)
    British annex Sindh.
    First British-Afghan War
    First British-Sikh War
    The British defeat the Sikhs in Second Sikh War, annex Punjab and NWFP
    First War of Independence (Mutiny)
    British government assumes direct rule of British East India Company lands, establishes British Raj Aligarh Movement (1858-98)
    Deoband Movement (1866-1947)
    Anjuman Himayat-i-Islam, Lahore (1884-1947)
    Establishment of Indian National Congress
    All districts of Balochistan in British hands
    British establish Gilgit Agency
    British conquer Hunza and Nagar
    Nadva-tul-'Ulama of Lucknow (1894-1947)
    December 30 -- The annual meeting of Mohammadan Educational Conference held at Dacca under the chairmanship of Nawab Viqar ul Mulk. In the meeting Nawab Salim ullah Khan presented a proposal to establish a political party, All India Muslim League, to safeguard the interests of the Muslims.
    All India Muslim League founded as forum for Indian Muslim separatism
    The Lucknow Pact
    The Khilafat Movement (1919-1924)
    Mohammad Iqbal proposes creation of separate Muslim state
    Lahore Resolution, which endorses idea of separate nation for India's Muslims, to be called Pakistan.
    June 3 -- the British Government accepted the idea of partition of India.
    July 18 -- The British Parliament passes the Indian Independence Act.
    July 19 -- Nawabzada Liaquat Ali Khan (1895-1951) of Muslim League becomes the first Prime Minister.
     August 14 -- Birth of Pakistan, consisting of East Bengal, a part of Assam (Sylhet), West Punjab, Sind, NWFP and Baluchistan.
    Some 15 million people flee religious persecution, Muslim fleeing to East and West Pakistan, while Hindus flee to India. An estimated one million people are killed in widespread communal violence and millions are made homeless.
    Under Section 8 of the Indian Independence Act, 1947, the Government of India Act, 1935 (with certain adaptations) becomes constitution of Pakistan.
    August 15 -- Quid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah (1876-1948) of Muslim League becomes first governor-general  and Liaquat Ali Khan(1895-1951) of Muslim League becomes the first Prime Minister of the new nation.
    September 11 --  Quid-e-Azam  Dies and Kashmir Crisis Starts.
    September 14 --  Cheif Minister of Bengal Khwaja Nazimuddin (1894-1964) of Muslim League becomes second governor-general.
    The first war with India over Kashmir

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